Stiflers Mom Coin ($MILF)

Total Supply: 69 Billion

Contract Address


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Goodbye to all the Doges, Inus and Pepes!

$MILF the great token that’s got claws and knows how to touch the moon.

$MILF is ready to conquer the market and make your investments jump as high as your cat!

Stay with us to get back 100x easily.

How to buy

1. Create a Wallet

download metamask or your wallet of choice from the app store or google play store for free. Desktop users, download the google chrome extension by going to

2. Get Some ETH

have ETH in your wallet to switch to $MILF. If you don’t have any ETH, you can buy directly on metamask, transfer from another wallet, or buy on another exchange and send it to your wallet.

4. Switch ETH for MILF

Go to find $MILF by pasting the contract address. switch ETH for MILF. You do not need to worry about fees and slippage, there is very low fees. Although you may need to use slippage during times of market volatility.

Why did we choose Ethereum?


Super Fast!

Easy to get


Phase 1

Token Launch

Token Launch


Strong Network

2000 Holders

Phase 2

Initial Marketing

KYC & Audit

CMC & CG Listings

Dexscreener & Avedex Trending

Awareness Campaign

Phase 3

Partnership & Listings

Famous Influencers Partnership

CEX Listings

10000 Holders

100x profit

With Stifilers Mom Coin highly secure liquid staking pools investors can maximize their investments. In addition to actual profits, other significant gains can be achived through straight forward fee less with a high and lucrative APY.

Stifilers Mom Coin aims to expand its ecosystem in the future and achive widespresd reach with its innovative product variety. A proprietary DEX, eye catching NFTS and the gaming sector are just a few nitable elements. Stay tuned!

Our Visions


69 Million $MILF

Total Supply

Stifilers Mom Coin

Token Name



Liquidity Locked

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